- Campus Committees
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- Bus Service to SBVC
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- VIP Parking for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
- Energy-Saving Windows
- Water-Saving Landscaping
- Water-Saving Toilets
- Soil Re-Use
- Air Filtration Systems
- What's That Smell?
- Recycling at SBVC
- Energy-Saving Lighting
- Energy-Saving Central Plant Systems
- Dashboards
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- Alumni
- Abieyuwa Salami
- Andrew Marshall
- Angela Green
- Angelo Hopson
- Angel and Brenda Orozco
- BJ Vann
- Bonnie Quintero and Yvette Robles
- Cecilia Tauteoli
- Chante Gory
- Christina Raney
- Devon Libran
- Dominic Williams
- Dominick Guerrero
- Ed Szumski
- Espree Foscolos
- Gary Willis
- Jaime Oropeza
- Jasmin Smith
- Joseph Williams
- Joshua Bell
- Judy Rodriguez
- Kelli Cluque
- Lacey Kendall
- Louie Rodriguez
- Manny Sandoval
- Marina Hand
- Micah Tasaka
- Michelle Jones
- Mirella Campos
- Nikia Chaney
- Paul Prado
- Daniel and Darrell Peeden
- Phil Rivas
- Raeniece Barnett
- Ray Zacarias
- Rhonda Roberson
- Robert “Bob” Logsdon Jr.
- Spencer Layman
- Tanya Perdue
- Tyree Washington
- Vicente Cortez
- Alicia Hallex
- Alma Lopez & Elizabeth Banuelos
- Amy Avelar
- Anthony Castro
- Berchman “Kenny” Melancon
- Bethany Tasaka
- Chris Clarke
- Emily McNichols
- Ernest Guillen
- Evelyn Luna
- Glenn Smith
- James Stewart
- Jeff Klug
- Dr. Jeremiah Gilbert
- Jerry Mason and Thomas Ray Palmore
- Joan Murillo
- John Kevari
- Kevin Kammer
- Larry Rice
- Lindsay Wagner
- Lisa Archuletta
- Margaret Worsley
- Mark Ikeda
- Mary Valdemar
- Patricia Jenkins
- Phylicia Sanchez
- Quincy Brewer
- Romana Pires
- Rose King
- Shalita Tillman
- Shannon Galuszka
- Dr. Susan Bangasser
- Aaron Saenz
- Amaka Edith Eboka
- Ana Perez
- Andrew Aguilera
- Andrew Montana
- Areli Lopez
- Augusta Cheek
- Awa Kologo
- Breanna Lopez
- Chidi Udengwu
- Darwin Melchiorre
- Devin Mitchell
- Devonte Kilgore
- Eloisa Contreras
- Gladys Guevara
- Jalen Neal
- Jonathan Montano
- Jonathan Ohayon
- LaToya Pleasant
- LaToya Scott
- Loveth Offor
- Michael Grace
- Nancy Aljouni
- Narishia Laye
- Noah Bigirumwami
- Odin Contreras-Villegas
- Oscar Luna
- Rajveer Singh
- Raymond Allison
- Richard Jones
- Richard Tejada
- Sadia Khan
- Sophia Zamora
- Stephanie Rodarte
- Sunshine Ray
- Trevor Stevens
- Vanessa Mendoza
- Zachery Robinson
- Zane Rice
- Financial Aid
- Financial Aid Disbursement Information
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- Terms You Should Know
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- Students with Disabilities and Online Classes
- Code of Ethics for Online Classes
- District's Computer Use Policy
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- CTE Online Pathways Grant
- Student Privacy and Online Classes
- District's Intellectual Property Policy
- Online Faculty Newsletter
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- Regular Effective Contact
- Self and Peer Review of Online Classes
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- Academic Options
- International Student Admission Requirements
- Contact International Student Services
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- Evaluation of Foreign Trancripts
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- Questions from International Students
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- Student Success Stories
- Upon Arrival
- Become a Tutor
- Current Schedules
- Schedule for ASL Tutors
- Schedule for Biology Tutors
- Schedule for Chemistry Tutors
- Schedule for CIT Tutors
- Schedule for Computer Science Tutors
- Schedule for Economics Tutors
- Schedule for Geography Tutors
- Schedule for Mathematics Tutors
- Schedule for Humanity and Sociology Studies Tutors
- Schedule for Spanish Tutors