Technical Standards for ADA Compliance: 

Pharmacy Technician Program


Pharmacy Technician Program Technical Requirements by Domain

Domain Ability Standard Examples of Necessary Activities (not all-inclusive)
Cognitive Critical Thinking Ability to use logical reasoning, analyze complex situations and solve problems in high-pressure environments. Accurately calculate medication dosages. Verify prescription orders for accuracy & potential drug interactions. Adapt to changing workflow and patient care demands in a pharmacy setting.
  Communication (Written) Proficiency in written communication for professional interaction. Document and verify prescription orders, inventory management, compounding formulas clearly and for accuracy. Write professional correspondence
  Exposure to Chemicals and Specimens Ability to understand and adhere to protocols for working with hazardous materials and infectious agents. Handle hazardous drugs (e.g., chemotherapy agents) safely, using PPE as needed. Prepare and compound medications following safety protocols. Dispose of waste and hazardous materials according to pharmacy guidelines.
Sensory Hearing Auditory ability to assess and respond to healthcare needs. Recognize alarms or emergency signals on pharmacy equipment. Respond accurately to verbal instructions, phone calls, or concerns from pharmacists and customer inquiries. Detect auditory signals from automated dispensing equipment.
  Visual Visual acuity required for observation and accurate assessment. Read and interpret prescription labels, dosage instructions, and barcodes. Accurately measure and prepare medications. Recognize color-coded labels, alerts, expiration dates and warnings on medication packaging.
  Tactile Tactile sensitivity required for safe handling medications and equipment. Count pills, handle vials, and open blister packs with precision for safe preparation. Use touch to verify packaging integrity and operate small-scale equipment.
Affective Interpersonal Skills to interact with individuals from various backgrounds and build effective relationships. Communicate effectively with patients, pharmacy staff, and healthcare providers. Demonstrate cultural competence when assisting diverse populations. Resolve customer or patient inquiries professionally and respectfully.
  Communication (Verbal) Proficiency in verbal communication to interact effectively with others. Explain pharmacy policies and medication information to patients. Communicate effectively and collaborate with pharmacists and healthcare providers.
  Professionalism and Emotional Stability Capacity to manage stress and maintain professionalism. Handle emergency situations calmly. Maintain composure in high-stress situations. Demonstrate ethical behavior and accountability. Manage conflict professionally and respectfully within the healthcare team.
Psychomotor Mobility Ability to move within small spaces and patient care areas. Navigate efficiently within the pharmacy, between workstations and storage areas. Stock and retrieve medications and manipulate equipment in limited spaces. Maintain physical stamina, speed and efficiency during peak hours.
  Motor Skills Gross and fine motor skills for safe, effective pharmacy work. Count, pour, and label medications accurately. Use equipment such as pill counters, scales, and cash registers. Prepare sterile and non-sterile products as required.
  Exposure to Chemicals and Specimens Ability to handle and dispose of hazardous substances safely. Use equipment to collect, transport and dispose of biological specimens or medications. Work safely with disinfectants and other hazardous materials.

Requesting Accommodations

If you believe you are unable to meet one or more of these standards without accommodations, you are encouraged to contact the Student Accessibility Services Office (AD 105). Requests are assessed individually to determine whether accommodation(s) can be made without compromising patient safety or altering essential program requirements.