Need help enrolling in classes at SBVC?
Attend a Successful Enrollment Lab!

EVERY Tuesday in Administration and Student Services (AD/SS) 101 (next to the “Welcome Center”)

NOW through October 8, 2024

Tuesdays, 3 - 6 pm

Join Us For:

Assistance with Self-Service

Complete the Registration process with support navigating software and technology.

Help with Registration

Assistance finding the classes that will work best for you.

First Semester Education Plan

Counselors are available!

Access to Computer Labs

We have over 40 Computer Stations for you to use.

Assistance completing the Application and Matriculation Process

CCC Apply, SBVC Orientation, Guided Self Placement, and more

General Financial Aid Assistance

Address questions/concerns regarding completion of FAFSA and starting the process.

Information about Support Services and Resources

Programs to assist with student Success and Retention.