ACCJC Standard: II.C.1.a


Relying on appropriate expertise of faculty, including librarians and other learning support services professionals, the institution selects and maintains educational equipment and materials to support student learning and enhance the achievement of the mission of the institution.

ACCJC Guide for Evaluating Distance Education (June, 2013)

  • •What information about the learning needs of DE/CE students is provided by instructional faculty and staff to inform the selection of library resources?

    •What equipment to support student learning is available to students studying in DE/CE mode?

    •By what means is the library collection made available to students with remote access to the institution? How does the institution know that these means address the learning needs of the students?

    •What information does the library use to determine whether it is enhancing student achievement of identified learning outcomes for students studying in DE/CE mode?


Beyond Audit and Compliance: DE Excellence at SBVC


The Library Technology certificate was one of the first certificates offered at SBVC that met the ACCJC threshold of offering 50% or more of its courses in a DE mode.  So the library staff has been keenly aware of the learning needs ofstudents enrolled in DE sections.  

The Library Computer Lab houses over 120 computers for use by currently enrolled students, and Computer Technicians are available to provide basic technical support to students. Many online students also take classes on campus, and this lab increases the opportunity for those students to participate in their online classes.

The SBVC Library houses a collection of over 70,000 volumes which can be searched through OCLC World Share (WMS) catalog system. This system enables students to search for books, articles and over 120,000 eBooks all at the same time. The SBVC Library also offers access to thousands of online newspapers, magazines, journals, and other materials supporting research in current events and in topics across the curriculum. Students use passwords to access the electronic resources and which are available on Blackboard once they log in. [Link to WMS Catalog]

The Library and Learning Support Services area participates in the SLO process for their courses and programs.  Since the Library Technology certificate mentioned above is included, the library is able to identify whether the DE format is enhancing student learning. 


It is the opinion of the Online Program Committee that SBVC meets this standard in terms of Distance Education.

ACCJC Standard: II.C.1.b

The institution provides ongoing instruction for users of library and otherl earning support services so that students are able to develop skills in information competency.



ACCJC Guide for Evaluating Distance Education (June, 2013) 

  • •By what means does the institution provide instruction to users of the library and other support services, and how does it take into account the needs of students with remote access to the institution?

    *Is tutoring avaliable for DE/CE students? (New in June, 2013 Guide)


Beyond Audit and Compliance: DE Excellence at SBVC


The SBVC library maintains a robust presence on the college website.  This allows access to most of the library's materials through a device with an internet connection.  The resources of the college are, indeed, distributed regardless of time or space. [website--SBVC Library]

That website also contains a section for "Tutorials and Guidelines." In 2013 and 2014, the library became active in creating in-house multi-media tutorials for students using library services. [website--Library Tutorials and Guidelines

As a part of EduStream, the District's the District's video-on-demand service that is utilized by more than 170 colleges across the country, online students can participate in synchronous audio/video tutorials in math, American sign language, and biology. These synchronous sessions are archived, captioned, and maintained as a repository to be used asynchronously by other students at a later time. Other disciplines are being added to this tutorial service as the need arises and as staff time is available. In the spring of 2014, the function of EduStream was taken over by 3CMedia.  But the archived tutorials are still available.  [Link to EduStream] [website--3CMedia]


It is the opinion of the Online Program Committee that SBVC meets this standard in terms of Distance Education.

ACCJC Standard: II.C.1.c

The institution provides students and personnel responsible for student learning programs and services adequate access to the library and other learning support services, regardless of their location or means of delivery.1

ACCJC Guide for Evaluating Distance Education (June, 2013)

  • •What is the availability of electronic access to library materials? Has the institution implemented other means of availability to library and student learning resources other than electronic access?

    •Are DE/CE students equally supported by library services and accessibility as students in traditional programs? By what means does the institution provide support, and what is the availability of this support? How does the institution ensure that this support is provided in a timely manner?  

Beyond Audit and Compliance: DE Excellence at SBVC 


SBVC's library contains a collection of over 80,000 volumes, which are searchable through an online college catalog. In addition, there are 300 current print magazine subscriptions and an extensive back file of magazine volumes. A 16-workstation database network provides access to thousands of newspapers, magazines, journals, and other materials supporting research. SBVC students are provided a password giving them access to these databases online.  [Link to library]

Librarians are available during the day and evening to provide one-on-one reference services and orientation tours and to teach library instruction classes and campus-wide workshops. SBVC’s library participates in a 24/7 Chat Reference Service that connects students to an academic librarian who can assist them with research needs at any time, day or night. [Link to Question Point

The Library houses an open computer laboratory, with over 120 personal computers and multi-media equipment. Many online students also take classes on campus. This lab increases the opportunity for those students to participate in their online class. 

The SBVC Library houses a collection of over 70,000 volumes which can be searched through OCLC World Share (WMS) catalog system. This system enables students to search for books, articles and over 120,000 eBooks all at the same time. The SBVC Library also offers access to thousands of online newspapers, magazines, journals, and other materials supporting research in current events and in topics across the curriculum. Students use passwords to access the electronic resources and which are available on Blackboard once they log in. [Link to WMS Catalog]

Inside the Blackboard Learning Management System, students have electronic access to EBSCO Databases, SIRS Knowledge Source Databases, National Newspapers Core and New York Times Historical, as well as Credo Reference.  Since a Blackboard shell is automatically created for each section taught at the college, these resources are potentially available to every student on campus.  Not every instructor makes the shells available to students.  But it is, in principle, possible for all these library resources to be available to every SBVC student whether they are enrolled in a DE section or not.



It is the opinion of the Online Program Committee that SBVC meets this standard in terms of Distance Education.

ACCJC Standard: II.C.1.d

The institution provides effective maintenance and security for its library and other learning support services.

ACCJC Guide for Evaluating Distance Education (June, 2013)

•  How does the institution ensure that the students registered for a course are the students making use of the library and other learning support services?


Beyond Audit and Compliance: DE Excellence at SBVC


Access to library services by students taking distance education courses is mediated through Blackboard.  So there is a secure log in process for students to gain access to Blackboard.  Once behind that Blackboard security firewall, students have access to the databases and other library resources.  Students using on campus library and learning support services are required to show student identification.  [website--Blackboard]



It is the opinion of the Online Program Committee that SBVC meets this requirement in terms of Distance Education.

ACCJC Standard: II.C.2

The institution evaluates library and other learning support services to assure their adequacy in meeting identified student needs. Evaluation of these services provides evidence that they contribute to the achievement of student learning outcomes. The institution uses the results of these evaluations as the basis for improvement.

ACCJC Guide for Evaluating Distance Education (June, 2013)

  • What methods does the institution use to evaluate its library and other learning support services? Does the evaluation include assessment of use, access, and relationship of the services to intended student learning outcomes for DE/CE programs? Does the evaluation include input by faculty, staff, and students?

Beyond Audit and Compliance: DE Excellence at SBVC


The Online Program Committee developed an Student Satisfaction Survey for online students.  The most recent iteration of this survey included questions to allow students to describe their satisfaction with library and student support services.  The corresponding Faculty Satisfaction Survey for online faculty will be expanded in the spring of 2015 to include similar questions about library and other student support services.   [website--Student Satisfaction Survey

In addition, the campus Technology Plan includes an element to evaluate the library and its resources.  The focus is more on the hardware and the connectivity of the computers in the library.  But this ensures that multiple groups are working with the library to ensure that the services provided to online classes are functionally equivalent to students who are physically on campus. [website--technology plan]


It is the opinion of the Online Program Committee that SBVC meets this standard in terms of Distance Education.