What is AB 705?

AB 705 is a law that requires California community colleges to maximize the probability that a student will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and math within a one year timeframe.

Colleges must place students into Math and English courses using one or more of the following:

  • high school coursework
  • high school grades
  • high school grade point average. 

Under the new law, you cannot be denied entry into a transfer-level Math and English class unless the college can prove that you are highly unlikely to succeed.


What does it mean for students?

Many students are placed into Math and English based solely on the results of their placement test. With the new law, students are no longer burdened to prove they belong in transfer-level courses. Instead, colleges must place students into transfer-level courses unless they can prove students are highly unlikely to succeed.

For additional information you may also refer to our MATH and/or ENGLISH departments web page.


Recommended Placement for Statistics/Liberal Arts

High School Performance Metric for Statistics/Liberal Arts Mathematics  Recommended Placement for Statistics/Liberal Arts Mathematics 
HSGPA ≥ 3.0 Self-reported high school G.P.A.  Transfer-Level Statistics/Liberal Arts Mathematics No additional academic or concurrent support required 
HSGPA from 2.3 to 2.9 Self-reported high school G.P.A.  Transfer-Level Statistics/Liberal Arts Mathematics Additional academic and concurrent support of MATH 601 or MATH 608 recommended 
HSGPA < 2.3 Self-reported high school G.P.A.   Transfer-Level Statistics/Liberal Arts Mathematics Additional academic and concurrent support of MATH 601 or MATH 608 strongly recommended 


Recommended Placement for STEM Math

High School Performance Metric STEM Mathematics  Recommended Placement for STEM Mathematics  
Self-Reported High School GPA ≥ 3.4 or HSGPA ≥ 2.6 AND enrolled in a HS Calculus  Transfer-Level STEM Mathematics No additional academic or concurrent support required for students 
Self-Reported High School GPA ≥2.6 or Enrolled in HS Precalculus  Transfer-Level STEM Mathematics Additional academic and concurrent support of MATH 602 or MATH 601 recommended 
Self-Reported High School GPA ≤ 2.6 and no Precalculus Transfer-Level STEM Mathematics Additional academic and concurrent support of MATH 602 or MATH 601 strongly recommended 


Recommended Placement for English

High School Performance Metric for English  Recommended Placement for English  
H.S. G.P.A. ≥ 2.6 Self-reported high school G.P.A.  Transfer-Level English Composition No additional academic or concurrent support required. 
H.S. G.P.A. 1.9 - 2.6 Self-reported high school G.P.A.  Transfer-Level English Composition Additional academic concurrent support ENGL 086 is REQUIRED. 
H.S. G.P.A. < 1.9 Self-reported high school G.P.A.  Transfer-Level English Composition Additional academic concurrent support ENGL 087 is REQUIRED 


What are some examples of multiple measures?

  • High school or college transcripts
  • Highest level of coursework completed in a subject area and corresponding course grade
    Attitude surveys


Why is AB 705 important?

AB 705 is important because students have often been held back by the placement test, becoming stuck in sequences that statistically may limit success in their transfer to higher institutions