AB 1705 Overview

  • AB 1705 builds on AB 705 to address systemic barriers in California community colleges.
  • Focuses on equitable, timely completion of transfer-level English and math courses.


Key Required Actions

  1. Direct Placement:

    • By July 1, 2023, all high school graduates pursuing a certificate, degree, or transfer must be placed in transfer-level English and math courses.
    • Pretransfer-level courses are limited to specific exceptions.

  2. Gateway Courses:

    • Students must start in transfer-level courses that satisfy their program’s requirements within one year.
    • Colleges must validate prerequisites to ensure they improve completion rates.

  3. No Repetition:

    • Students cannot be required to repeat coursework they have successfully completed in high school or college.

  4. Non-Credit Coursework:

    • U.S. high school graduates cannot be enrolled in non-credit courses as a substitute for transfer-level courses.


Additional Clarifications

  • Concurrent Support: Colleges must provide academic support for students in transfer-level courses.
  • Placement Policies: High school transcript data must be used for placement, and self-reported information is required when transcripts are unavailable.


This guide aims to ensure that students progress efficiently towards their academic goals without unnecessary delays.