Associate Degrees and Certificates
Associate Degree Programs
Associate degrees prepare you for employment and/or transfer to a university. Associate degree programs consist of 60 degree-applicable units in your chosen major and the required general education courses. Generally, it takes two years to complete a degree program, on a full-time basis.
Associate Degree for Transfer Programs
California Community Colleges are now offering Associate Degrees for Transfer to CSU (California State University) campuses. The newly created AA-T (Associate Degree of Arts for Transfer) and AS-T (Associate Degree of Science for Transfer) are designed to create a clear pathway to CSU transfer. These degrees guarantee college students' admission to the CSU system with junior status and give them priority consideration when applying to their local CSU campus and to a particular program that is similar to their college major.
Certificate Programs
If you are seeking skills development and employment upon completion of requirements, the certificate program will be your choice for an educational goal. Certificate programs consist of 18 or more degree-applicable units in your chosen major. The length of the certificate programs may vary from one semester to four semesters.