Program Reveiw
Committee Charge
By-law 339:
The Program Review Committee examines and evaluates the resource
needs and effectiveness of all instructional and service areas and their
progress on meeting departmental, divisional, and institutional goals on
one-, two-, and four-year cycles as determined by the District, College, and other
regulatory agencies. In so doing, the Program Review Committee aids in short- and
long-range planning and decision making, improvement of services, and dissemination
of information and recommendations to other college processes as appropriate.
The Program Review Committee is authorized by the Academic Senate to
make needs assessment recommendations to College Council and the
college president and to report program efficacy ratings to the Academic
Senate and the entire the campus.
The position of Program Review Faculty Chair carries no less than .38
reassigned time per semester, as determined by the Academic Senate, for a term of
three years. The Program Review Faculty Chair shall not serve more than two consecutive
terms but may return to stand for re-election after at least one term out of the chair
The process for electing the faculty chair of the Program Review Committee shall be as follows:
- An announcement stating a vacancy in the position of the Program
Review Faculty Chair will be distributed to all faculty at the beginning
of the spring semester (January); - A memo from interested faculty detailing their qualifications shall be
submitted to the Chair of the Elections Committee no later than
March 1; - The candidates will be asked to attend the next Senate meeting
followingthe submission deadline to present their qualifications and
answer any questions; - A vote will be taken following the presentations to select the new
Committee Chairs
- Administrative Co-Chair: Joanna Oxendine
- Faculty Co-Chair: Dr. Celia Huston
For more information, visit the official Program Review website.