Accreditation and Outcomes Committee
Committee Charge
The Accreditation and Outcomes Committee prepares the self-study, prepares for the
accreditation team site visit, follows up on
implementation of accreditation recommendations, performs assessments
as needed, and prepares any follow-up reports or documentation. The
committee monitors the development and assessment process for student
learning outcomes in courses, programs and general education
requirements. The committee generates and regularly reviews guidelines
and best practices for all aspects of student learning process. Membership
is comprised of the Accreditation Liaison Officer, a faculty chair, at least one faculty
member from each division and other interested faculty,
administrators, staff and students. (8.19.18)
Committee Chairs
- Dr. Dina Humble, Administrative Co-Chair
- Dr. Celia Huston, Faculty Co-Chair
For more information, visit the official Accrediation and Outcomes website.