Curriculum Committee
Committee Charge
By-law 335:
The Curriculum Committee is authorized by the Academic Senate to
make recommendations to the Board of Trustees about the curriculum of
the college, including approval of new courses, deletion of existing courses, proposed
changes in courses, periodic review of course outlines, approval of proposed programs,
deletion of programs, review of degree and certificate requirements, and approval
of prerequisites and co-requisites.
The position of Curriculum Committee Chair carries no less than .58 release time for a term or three years with the possibility of a one-year extension should there be no viable candidate for the position. (revised 10/17/18) The process for electing the chair of the Curriculum Committee shall be as follows:
- An announcement stating a vacancy in the position of Curriculum
Committee Chair will be distributed to all faculty at the beginning of the spring semester (January); - A memo from interested faculty detailing their qualifications shall be
submitted to the Chair of the Elections Committee no later than March 1; - The candidates will be asked to attend the next Senate meeting following the submission deadline to present their qualifications and answer any questions;
- A vote will be taken following the presentations to select the new chair.
Curriculum Committee Chairs
- Mary Copeland, Faculty Co-Chair
- Dr. Dina Humble, Administrative Co-Chair
For more information, visit the Curriculum Committee's official website.