Institute of Media Arts

In collaboration with San Bernardino Valley College, Crafton Hills College & San Bernardino Community College District, the Institute of Media Arts serves and represents all forms of media artists.

IMA Logo

The Institute of Media Arts (IMA) is affiliated with San Bernardino Valley College’s Film, TV, Media (FTVM) program. The institute provides students further paths to achieve their goals in cinema, television, and all multimedia platforms. This includes feature film, streaming and broadcast TV, and radio/podcast productions. IMA coordinates advanced level projects for media arts students at SBVC through collaboration with a variety of academic departments within the San Bernardino Community College District. Some of these partnerhsips include, but not limited to Art, Theatre, and Music. The IMA also hosts and runs the annual SBVC International Student Film Festival and Media Arts Conference (The Wolverine Con). Lastly, the institute provides funding for paid internships and student projects, which supports greater access of our community to the economics of cinema and media production.

Students in Institute of Media Arts

Institute of Media Arts - Fellowship Program 

Deadline to apply for Fall 2025 is April 30, 2025. 

Through the Institute of Media Arts (IMA), Film, TV, Media majors can earn valuable production experience to build their professional portfolio, scholarships for their course work, and opportunities for paid internships through both the department and KVCR. The IMA will pick 25 students a year to participate in this rigorous and intensive program. With an FTVM Degree and Certificate not only can you transfer to a 4-year degree, but you’ll also be ready to start your career in film, broadcast, and media.

  1. Full-time SBVC student pursuing an Associates degree in either Film, TV, Audio, or the AS-T Degree in Film, TV, and Electronic Media

  2. Maintain at least a 2.5 GPA

  3. Completed or show current enrollment in English 101 and transfer-level Math such as Math 102, 108, or 115

  4. Ability to obtain a letter of recommendation from an FTVM Faculty, High School Teacher, Academic Counselor, or Employer
  1. Scholarship funds for FTVM courses should you not qualify for financial aid or the California Promise Program

  2. Industry professional connections through the mentor program

  3. Internship interviews with the FTVM Department or KVCR

  4. First look at your projects for the SBVC International Student Film Festival

  5. Grants for University Applications

  6. Membership into Film Independent for one year

  7. Lifetime Membership in the Institute of Media Arts

  8. Filmmaking Scholarships

  9. Stipends for Work Experience Classes (as funds remain available)

  10. Field trips and SWAG

1. Maintain your full-time student status

2. Maintain your 2.5 GPA

3. Meet with Counselor at least once a year to confirm Education plan status

4. Complete and submit one portfolio project a semester

5. Interview for work experience opportunities

6. Obtain work experience opportunities per your academic schedule (FTVM098 or FTVM198)

7. Update resume and online portfolios

8. Prepare for transfer or apply for employment

  1. Complete an SBVC Application

  2. Declare FTVM as a major

  3. Obtain at least one letter of recommendation

  4. Turn in unofficial transcripts

  5. Provide a letter of intent or Multi-Media Portfolio which demonstrates your long-term goal

Email all application materials to – The Subject Line should read IMA Fellowship

Register For 2025 Orientation: April 30, 2025 

Become a member for Fall 2025 by attending the orientation on April 30, 2025 from 5pm to 7pm

* indicates required fields.



Career Board

Through College Central Network students can apply for career opportunities and organizations or employers can post opportunities. 

Logo for job board college central network

The IMA Membership

Experience all that we have to offer as a member! We provide essential support to Inland Southern California's vibrant cultural scene.

*Please Note: In your credits of your projects and on any social media feeds you must state one of the following, “This Project was Funded through the Film, TV, Media Department at San Bernardino Valley College” or Executive Produced by: FTVM/IMA at San Bernardino Valley College. Omitting this statement may affect access to equipment and resources. 



  • Free equipment access on specified cameras, lights, and audio
  • Free film festival admission for two
  • Discounted Film Festival VIP Passes
  • Free admission to special screenings for two
  • Career Development Services for Media Artists
  • IMA swag



  • Priority Access
  • Free film festival admission for two
  • Discounted Film Festival VIP Passes
  • Free admission to special screenings for two
  • Discounts on equipment rental
  • Free admission to lectures, seminars and discussion with local filmmakers
  • IMA swag

Let's Get to Know You!

* indicates required fields.
