SB 1359 legislation now mandates us to communicate to students zero textbook costs sections via online class schedules. List all of your zero textbook cost class sections for next semester below. Students may still incur costs for print versions of free digital materials which are open, institutionally or properly licensed, instructional supplies such as scientific calculators, lab goggles, Scantrons, and optional instructional materials. Digital learning platforms that use open educational resources for which students incur costs are not zero textbook cost classes. Also provide this information and any materials (pdf packets, or open textbooks) to the campus bookstore as part of the textbook requisition process. This is so that information and/or ability to purchase low cost print versions of free digital materials can be made available to students when they access the campus bookstore and website.

If you need assistance contact your division dean. For information about open educational resources and zero textbook cost options visit

* indicates required fields.

Instructor Information
If provided, a copy of this submission will be sent to this address
Course 1
i.e. ARCH-145
Please separate by commas (i.e. 70, 71, 72)
Course 2
i.e. ARCH-145
Please separate by commas (i.e. 70, 71, 72)
Course 3
i.e. ARCH-145
Please separate by commas (i.e. 70, 71, 72)
Course 4
i.e. ARCH-145
Please separate by commas (i.e. 70, 71, 72)
Course 5
i.e. ARCH-145
Please separate by commas (i.e. 70, 71, 72)