SBVC Introduces "Fitness Fridays" for Staff

November 10, 2017

San Bernardino Valley College has recently launched "Fitness Fridays," a weekly yoga class designed for campus staff and faculty. The Professional Development Committee at SBVC started this initiative on October 13 to help release any tension in the body, mind, and spirit for these hard-working campus personnel.

Evelyn Luna: From DREAMer Student to SBVC Counselor

November 10, 2017

Evelyn Luna knows what it's like to walk in her students' shoes. As a San Bernardino Valley College counselor, Luna works with current and former foster youth enrolled in the Guardian Scholars program as well as DREAMers, many of whom likely have a background similar to hers -- in 1996, she came to the United States from Guatemala as an undocumented immigrant.

Local High Schools Bring Games to SBVC Athletics Complex & Stadium

November 10, 2017

It's always a delight when, between regional high schools, there is a nexus for all to unite and play, to express their talents and showcase their efforts. This is what San Bernardino Valley College has done since 1997: provide not just an arena for high schools to host their games, but also a personal relationship between local schools' athletic departments.

SBVC Foundation Unveils Engraved Walkway

November 9, 2017

On October 20, San Bernardino Valley College unveiled a special new walkway in the breezeway of the Kinesiology and Athletics Complex that features the names of over one hundred supporters of scholarships for SBVC students.

SBVC and DPH to Conduct Tuberculosis Screenings on Campus

November 1, 2017

On October 26, the San Bernardino Valley College Department of Student Health Services (SHS) received information that a student had withdrawn from courses due to being diagnosed with active tuberculosis. The affected student is receiving treatment and is expected to recover, but will not return to campus until a medical clearance is issued by the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (DPH).

San Bernardino Valley College Fosters Conservation Through Dance

October 24, 2017

Wherever the vast 1,300-pound solid steel fish in residence goes, it spawns a great sense of urgency about the weather, global warming, drought and environmental preservation.

TEC Equipment Donated a 2011 Volvo Truck to the Diesel Program

October 23, 2017

The Heavy-duty Diesel program was a recipient of a 2011 Volvo truck donated by TEC Equipment of Riverside. The acquired equipment will help the program better its students in learning the latest technology that is needed by the local employers and the industry.

Electricity/ Electronics Instructor Can Run like the Wind

October 23, 2017

Gerald Chase, instructor of Electricity/ Electronics at San Bernardino Valley College, sure can run like the wind. At 81 years of age, Chase participated and earn a medaled in the 2017 National Seniors Games in Track and Field held in Birmingham, Alabama.