Veterans Services
Welcome Veteran!
The Veterans Affairs Office at San Bernardino Valley College serves as a liaison between veteran students, and the Department of Veteran Affairs. Use the information below to complete the appropriate forms to process claims for educational benefits.
Need help? Visit us in the Veterans Resource Center and we will assit you with the process!
Jason Alvarez Veterans Services Coordinator & School Certifying Official
Receive and Retain Your GI Bill and related benefits
- Veterans Statement of Responsibility
- Registration Statement from SelfService (PDF Copy)
- Joint service transcript or JST (
- One of the following Certificate of Eligibility:
- VA original or copy
- Authorization from Voc. Rehab Counselor for Ch. 31
- Educational Plan from one of the following veterans counselors:
- Deana Silagy:
- Desiree Martin:
- Call front desk for an appointment at 909-384-4411
If your GPA falls below the 2.0 requirement meet with a counselor. To manage deadline dates relating to adding and dropping classes see the A & R website.
Students who have completed 100 or more combined degree-applicable units within the San Bernardino Community College District are not eligible for Priority Registration (Title 5; Section 58108 (I) (2) (Veteran Status Included).
Verification must be done at the end of every month. This verification can be done either by text, email, or by calling 888-442-4551. (initially call to confirm contact information then opt into text or email options of verification)
Go to W.A.V.E.
Veteran's Administration Office Contact
M-F 8am-4pm
(909) 382-3290

Get Help at the Veterans Resource Center (VRC)!
The VRC at SBVC is a veteran/family friendly environment. From getting started at SBVC to supporting you while you're here, the VRC is here for you. The VRC at SBVC is a veteran/family friendly environment. Our staff can assit you with the necessary applications for admission, financial aid, and application of veteran education benefits which can lead to eventual certification.