The Child Development Department has both an academic and vocational orientation. The academic program leads students along a path toward an Associate of Arts degree that articulates with higher education and transfers into continued study suitable for a baccalaureate degree. Students planning to transfer to a four-year institution and major in child development or a related field should consult with a counselor regarding the transfer process and lower division requirements.

The vocational program, which interfaces with the academic program, prepares students for immediate employment. Certificates offered by the Child Development Department prepare students for work and to qualify in Child Development Permits through the California Commission on Teaching Credentialing and to work with specific age groups: Infant and School Age. The Family Child Care Provider Certificate provides a curriculum to prepare students to establish quality family childcare centers in their homes.

General Education Courses and Electives

The Child Development Department advises scheduling an appointment with a counselor to create an education plan to include the general breadth requirements and elective units.

Degrees & Certificates

Click on a degree or certificate to learn more about the requirements, view program maps and more.
  • AA-T
    Career Technical Education

    Child and Adolescent Development AA-T

  • AA
    Career Technical Education

    Child Development AA

  • COA
    Career Technical Education

    Child Development - Associate Teacher COA

  • AA
    Career Technical Education

    Child Development - Early Intervention and Inclusion AA

  • COA
    Career Technical Education

    Child Development - Early Intervention and Inclusion COA

  • COA
    Career Technical Education

    Child Development - Family Child Care Provider COA

  • COA
    Career Technical Education

    Child Development - Infant and Toddler COA

  • COA
    Career Technical Education

    Child Development - Master Teacher COA

  • COA
    Career Technical Education

    Child Development - School-Age COA

  • COA
    Career Technical Education

    Child Development - Site Supervisor COA

  • COA
    Career Technical Education

    Child Development - Teacher COA

  • AS-T
    Career Technical Education

    Early Childhood Education AS-T