Denmark Harris faced challenges early in life, including bullying and family responsibilities, which caused him to struggle to pursue his education consistently.

However, a shift in mentality led him to SBVC, where he embarked on a journey of personal and academic growth. Reflecting on his time at SBVC, Denmark says he found support in the campus community. He discovered abundant opportunities for involvement in campus activities and events. "It deepened my appreciation for the activities SBVC holds," he remarked, highlighting the college's ability to organize enriching extracurricular experiences for its students.

Denmark also emphasized the importance of seeking help—a lesson he learned firsthand at SBVC. "The biggest lesson I learned was asking for help," he noted. With support from teachers and counselors, Denmark navigated personal challenges and maintained focus on his academic goals. "When I needed help, I asked for it."

Denmark credits SBVC for playing a pivotal role in preparing him for transfer to UC Berkeley, a long-held aspiration. "It had always been my dream to transfer to a UC," he reflected, acknowledging the guidance he received from counselors and crediting them with making him a “stronger applicant.”

Looking ahead, Denmark's ambitions are directed internationally. Upon graduating from Berkeley, he plans to pursue a TESOL program and further his studies in Japan, immersing himself in its culture and language.

Headshot of Denmark Harris in a graduation gown holding his diploma