Impressive Cohort of Psychiatric Technology Students Graduates
After a rigorous one-year program, 20 Psychiatric Technology students graduated on
August 1, with about half receiving their associate's degree. The students all completed
two 18-week terms and one 10-week summer term, for a total of 46 credits. Department
Chair Maria Valdez said several of the graduates stand out, including David Hernandez
and Liz Lomeli, who have bachelor's degrees and came back to SBVC in order to pursue
careers in psych tech, and Erin Biederman, who had straight As throughout the program.
There's also Kyra Sidney, who had a baby and came back to class the next day.
The program is accredited by the Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians, and once students finish all of their courses, they are eligible to take the BVNPT licensing exam. "After completion and before taking their licensing exam, we offer a weekend review class held by Marianne Klingstrand, one of our full-time faculty," Valdez said. "She has done this for several years. We want to assist in their success."