SBVC Comes Together For Unity Week
Students, staff, faculty will come together to celebrate unity through diversity with dozens of activities ranging from workshops and concerts to film screenings and luncheons starting April 30th.
The SBVC Arts, Lectures & Diversity Committee will present a full roster of activities aimed at celebrating unity through diversity during Unity Week 2012. Lectures, rallies, musical performances, luncheons, opportunity drawings, film screenings, and student testimonials will serve as highlights throughout the week.Activities begin on Monday, April 30th and continue through Friday, May 4th according to the full Unity Week schedule of events (subject to change):
Monday – April 30 - Unity in Art & Word
Tuesday – May 1 – Unity in Action & Education
Wednesday – May 2 - Unity Festival (including Humanities Day activities)
Thursday – May 3 – Unity Inspiration
Friday – May 4 - Unity in Leadership & Laughter
The Arts, Lectures & Diversity Committee is comprised of students, staff, faculty and administrators including the following Unity Week Planning Committee Members: Students Anthony Victoria, Ashley Dial, Joyce Green, Kevin White, Josh Hill, Derek Rogers, Lawrence McCrary, Hector Guzman, Linda Subero, Richard Velis, and staff members Stacy Garcia and Mary Valdemar.