
The College Council has three primary functions: planning, issue management, and communication.


The college planning function includes the college Educational Master Plan (EPM), thereby developing the college's Educational Strategic Plan, the EMP includes the Program Review annual needs prioritization, Technology Plan, Five Year Construction & Facilities Plan, Enrollment Management Plan, Basic Skills Plan, and Professional Development Plan. College Council reviews each of the plans and analyzes each for budget impact and provides recommendations to the President.

Issue Management

The issue management function takes place as campus issues are presented to the College Council and referred to the appropriate college committee for review, consideration, and recommendation to the President.


The communication function is served by the College Council as the central communication venue for college governance issues including budget, in that all constituent groups are represented and are responsible for reporting and disseminating of information to their appointing body.

*College Council is currently in the process of developing, reviewing, and approving the following documents: 


College Council Membership

Membership is comprised of the President, College Vice Presidents, the President of the Academic Senate, the Classified Senate President, the President of the Associated Students or designee, the CSEA President or designee, the CTA President or designee, the Dean of Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness, and the chairs of the following committees: Accreditation and Student Learning Outcomes, Budget, Curriculum, Enrollment Management and Student Equity, Facilities and Safety, Professional Development, Program Review, Student Success and Support Programs, and Technology. The President serves as chair of the College Council unless otherwise agreed upon, at which point a faculty member and a manager will serve as co-chairs.

College Council Standing Committees

The standing committees of College Council are appointed annually and have representatives from each of the constituent groups: faculty, staff, students, and managers. Each committee will be co-chaired by on non-manager (faculty or staff) and one manager (that assists with clerical support, copying, and dissemination of materials as needed). Should representation not occur in any group, the President will confer with the appropriate representative/President/designee to determine the best alternative to secure appropriate representation and participation from the absent group. Meetings: Unless otherwise noted, standing committees are not held during the summer.