Online College: Universal Access Point (UAP)
Please print this page for your reference. It contains information on your class, your instructor, the course management system you will be using for the online class as well as information on how to access the class, and contact information if you need assistance.
Note: There may be multiple sections of this class taught online. Please be sure that you have the information for the class that you registered for. The section number, the reference number, and the name of the faculty members should be checked against the information in the printed schedule and on your registration material.
Course Name :
Child Development 105-77 (3719)
Course Title :
Child Growth and Development
Class Notes :
- The DE-LEC part of this class requires 4.5 hours per week of online instruction.
- 12 week class from 02/24/25 to 05/22/25.
- This is a fully online class. Students will be required to complete online instructional content via Canvas. This class could offer some live online meetings, but students will have options on accessing that content. Students should log on to Canvas the first day of class to access classes. Canvas Log In Page
Phone Number :
Instructor Comments :
Welcome to CD 105, CD 105H, CD 185 or CD 270, CD 111-01 & CD 111- 02 & CD 127.
I look forward to an exciting semester learning about child development and working with you in an online format.
For CD 105 & CD 105H, we will use a free OER Textbook. You will not be required to purchase a textbook.
For CD 185, there is a free textbook option. You will not be required to purchase a textbook.
For CD 270, there is one low-cost textbook required and if you have access to it at CD/ECE work site, you may not need to purchase it.
For CD 111, The textbook is a free OER textbook which you can read online or download to your computer. There is also a low-cost soft cover copy available to purchase. The textbook information is located in the Introduction Module in Canvas. I will send an email a few days before classes begins.
For CD 127, you can purchase or rent the textbook from the Campus bookstore or find it online. You have 1-2 weeks after class begins before you need the textbook.
I open up the Canvas shells a few days before class begins and send out an email welcoming you to the class. Read the home page & go to the button which says, "Start here" which will take you to the Module Link.
You can begin to read the Orientation Module in order to be prepared for your online class. After you log in, you will have access to the syllabus with expectations for the course and textbook information. If this is your first semester using Canvas, I encourage to take advantage of all the resources in the Orientation Module & watch the introductory video about Canvas Navigation.
I will send you an introduction announcement about 2-3 days before class begins.
It is helpful if you begin to read the syllabus before the first class to make sure you are interested in taking the section of the class I teach.
The best way to reach me is through the Canvas Inbox or through email or I check my email frequently.
Thanks you! Kathy Adams
Primary Course Management System
Note: Make sure to bookmark the login page of your course management system. This will allow you to access your online course faster.