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Universal Access Point

Online College: Universal Access Point (UAP)

View : Fall 2024 | Summer 2024


Please print this page for your reference. It contains information on your class, your instructor, the course management system you will be using for the online class as well as information on how to access the class, and contact information if you need assistance.

Note: There may be multiple sections of this class taught online. Please be sure that you have the information for the class that you registered for. The section number, the reference number, and the name of the faculty members should be checked against the information in the printed schedule and on your registration material.

Term :
Summer 2024
Course Name :
Psychology 100-12 (4086)
Course Title :
General Psychology
Class Notes :
  • The DE-LEC part of this class requires 10.8 hours per week of online instruction.
  • 5 week class from 05/28/24 to 06/27/24.
  • This is a fully online class. Students will be required to complete online instructional content via Canvas. This class could offer some live online meetings, but students will have options on accessing that content. Students should log on to Canvas the first day of class to access classes. Canvas Log In Page
Instructor :
J. Downey
E-Mail Address :
Phone Number :
Website :
Instructor Comments :

I am Instructor Jennifer R. Downey. Welcome to the online world and Psychology 100 and 100H!!!

I believe that preparation is a necessary component for success in higher education. How can you prepare for next semesters online experience in our class?


All my classes are interactive online Canvas classes. I expect all students to read and follow directions on all documents in the Canvas class. Do read and follow ALL OF THIS MESSAGE.

After you read this entire message, if you decide this course is not what you expected, please drop the class. There are a large number of students waiting to get into the class. All students not active the first few days will be dropped, so please sign in the first official day of class as directed.

You will be expected to submit unit mini essays. These are Applied Pieces in the form of 3-4 fully developed paragraphs (with proper grammar and writing skills) to the lectures and books material. You will be expected to respond to other students AP's to evidence you are active in class and "show what you are learning". There will be regular unit quizzes, and a final at the end of the term.


If you expect one thing and the class is something different than your expectations, that might be a problem.
What should you expect?

1. Expect to succeed with hard work . By that I mean that you should expect to learn about the subject matter and about yourself. You should expect to succeed and put in the effort that is needed. You will will have to have self motivation and discipline to keep on top of the class. I expect students to take responsibility for their own desired level of learning and success in the class.

2. Expect that this will be a college/university level class. It does transfer to the University level so you are expected to spend time(approx. 10 hours or more per week) and energy doing the work required for the class, as well as write with college level skills(always use spell check). If you have difficulty with writing, students are advised to seek assistance in the tutoring center or writing lab.

3. Expect an organized online class. Do not expect an independent study where you will be working completely at your own pace. The material of the class is organized into chunks (sections) where there are deadlines for completing the work. You should expect to follow the pacing of the material with the community of learners which is our class.


1.Go to the front page of college web site and click on "online classes". There you will see two links to quizzes: "Student skills" and "Technical Skills". Take these quizzes to make sure you are up to speed and ready for online. Under the same section, Online classes, click and read the sections "Succeeding in Online classes" and "Are online classes for me?". All this information is provided for you to be prepared and assess your readiness for this type of class.

2. Get (or View) the official text early. (Text listed below). The text is mandatory and totally necessary for success in this class. It is recommend you download your own text via the following website. There is a small fee for the iPad version. It will also be integrated in small sections in the Canvas LMS.

It is the following OER Text:

OpenStax College (2014). Psychology, Houston, TX: Rice University, free if downloaded at
ISBN: 978-1-938168-35-2

3. Go to the front page of Campus web page for LMS Canvas training. Review and practice the new Canvas program.
SB Valley College Quest for Online Success (

4. (If open) Enter the class a day early. Once you know how to find your online class, log onto class before the semester begins to read introductory information.

5. Learn how to use your college student email. All students are required to use this and Canvas sends messages to student college email only. I DO NOT recognize personal email. A message will be sent to registered students' SBCCD student email accounts 3-4 days before the class start date with instructions on accessing the course.

Waiting to add?
If you register for the official wait list on Web Advisor, you will need to email me ( by 10am on the official day the class starts. If I am able to add students, I will add students based on the order they are on the wait list as long as they have contacted me by 10am on the day the class starts.

That's it. Preparation is necessary for success!

Again, welcome to the online world!

Instructor Jennifer R. Downey, M.S., LMFT

Primary Course Management System

Canvas by Instructure

Note: Make sure to bookmark the login page of your course management system. This will allow you to access your online course faster.